Tuesday 26 October 2010

3D and Spatial Design(18th-22nd Oct)


This week is the first week of 3D and Spatial Design....
On the very first day of this rotation, I was asked to make a group in order to make a 3D maps...My group contain mostly international students...(2 from China, 1 from Hong Kong, 1 from India, 1 from Thailand, 1from New Zealand and one local student)
We used different materials to form a 3D map which includes the representations of the countries we come from...
We decided to use the chairs in the room to represent the countries we come from....and used cardboards to make a whole which represents the lower down of the earth, New Zealand.... and london which is right the top of those wooden strips...so the wooden strips actually represents the northern side of the earth....which is london....
We also used colored electric tape to linked the chair and the wooden strips... Red is the color of china and hk is part of china too...so we linked the 3 chairs with red colored electric tape...
Thailand is blue colored tape and India is yellow colored tape...we can see that the ratio of the maps are not correct because most of the students in the group come from asian countries...and only 2 of them come from western countries...so the ratio of the countries are different... After we made the map...we think we can make the countries more recognizable....so I  decorated the tape between the wooden strips and my chair(Hong Kong)....so i stick my HKID card on the chair, cut out the skyline of hong kong then stick it on the tape between the wooden strips and my chair....
others cut out their famous buildings in their country....
On the second day, I was asked to draw the 3D map that my group made and here are the drawings
Then we are ask to draw 10 drawings with the 10 words from the word list given to us:
boundary, line, edge, contour, shadow, light, angle, direction.......etc..

Here are a few from the 10 drawings that i did:

Then I  need to use the materials that i brought with me to make structure or little models of the drawings that i drew....I need to use 3 different materials to make the models and the followings are the photos of the two models i made

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