Thursday 24 March 2011

Final Major Project - Week Five (Making) ( 21st March – 26th March) (259 words)

In this week, I have been undergoing the most difficult part I have experienced in the whole process of Final major project, but luckily with the help of my tutor and some technicians in the workshop, I get to decide on making a full scale prototype of the product instead of the real final product.
            The first two days, I have been spending most of my time going out to search for materials that I need. I go to John Lewis and different kinds of material shop, but I still can’t get the materials that I need. For the next two days, I try to search online. Although I did find some that I can buy, they are either expensive or not retail sell. After that, I have a talk with some of the tutors or technicians, they have helped a lot in helping me, but we all agreed to make a prototype of it instead of the real product.
             In the last 2 days of this week, I have been working out which few materials that I can use to make a full scale prototype of my product, since I have already try my best in searching for the materials that I want.
            I think I have try my best to find the materials that I need, but if I can’t find it, I will need to find another way to substitute the materials missing. Since I didn’t do much in this week, I need to catch up next week to make the full-scale prototype before the deadline. 

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