Tuesday 22 March 2011

Final Major Project: Week One (Research) (21st Feb – 26th Feb) (294 words)

In this week, I didn’t really do much since I have an interview for 3D design on the past Wednesday; I think I need to catch up on Week two. 
            Although I didn’t do much, I had made a questionnaire as a starting point for my major project and decided to give it to 16 students who lived in halls. After I got back all the questionnaires, I collected the data and note it down on my research sketchbook. I think the results came out quite good and found students who lived in halls are having problems for laundry. I am surprised that there are problems that I haven’t even experience before that are annoying for them.
            One of the biggest thing that annoys them are they forgot to bring with them their washing powder/detergent to the laundry room. I think this is irritating for some of the students who lived in halls because some of the dorm rooms are located quite far away from the laundry rooms. So I think this is a problem that I can solve while I reached the design part of my final major project.
            The second thing that I did during this week is researching about materials that are always used to make laundry basket/mesh bag, how’s washing machine and tumble dryer works and temperature of water used to wash different kinds of clothing (e.g. color clothing, white clothing, delicate clothing and underwear/bras)
            In conclusion, I had focused more on contextual research this week and next week I am going to research for things that interested me around the city and trying to experiment with flat pack structure and materials.

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