Tuesday 22 March 2011

Final Major Project: Week Two (Research) (28th Feb – 5th March) (330 words)

In this week, I have caught a cold on the weekend, so instead of going around the city for inspirations, I planned to work in the indoor.
            While I don’t have a chance to explore the city for interesting shapes and structure, I have loads of photos taken from the past when I am sight seeing London, Shanghai, Seoul and Hong Kong. Most photos are focus on interesting structures. I especially love the photos taken in Shanghai; because I get to visit the Shanghai Expo 2010 where everywhere is interesting architecture buildings and some were built in ways that I have never seen before in my life.
            Other photos are mainly taken in some of the museum visits in London (e.g. Design Museum, Natural Science Museum, V&A and The Skin Museum). I start to draw out some pictures and inspirations I have after looking at those photographs and I decided that my mainly inspirations for the final major project is Modular. To me, modular is my best inspirations, since most modular furniture are simple, elegant and more easy to design it as a flat pack.
Instead of only focus researching on photographs, I have been investigating through making flat pack structure to give myself an idea of what interesting shapes can also be done. I think this can definitely help me out a lot while I am in the design part of the final major project. I have also working on collecting different materials and created a sketchbook that I am both experimenting and collection of materials, mostly plastic and metal. I research on materials, because I want my final product is made out of a new kind of materials and are suitable as a laundry basket in dorm rooms and a mesh/liner bag in the washing machine/tumble dryer.
            To conclude this week, I think I have did enough on researching and I am more satisfied with the effort I put in it compare to what I did last week.  

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