Sunday 27 March 2011

Week Six (Making) ( 27st March – 31th March) (269 words)

This week is one of the most intensive week I have experienced, maybe because I am not that good at time management. Luckily I finished everything by the deadline of the FMP.
            At the very beginning of the week, I started to make my final full-scale prototype of my final outcome of FMP. I have used the pasteboard, metal form and glue gun to make the prototype. It takes me around two days to finish it, but I am rushing to finish it since I still have to finish the A1 sheets for the exhibition later, but I am satisfied with the final full-scale prototype.
             After I finished the prototype, I start to make the A1 sheet for the exhibition; I used white tack to stick things on it because changes might be needed after the assessment. This takes me around a few hours to finish it.
            Lastly, I sent photographs of my prototypes to some of my friends and try getting their feedbacks and comments about their impression to the idea of this design. Before I want to make a questionnaire instead, but time limited, so I just sent a set of photos to 10 of my friends and asking them for comments and feedbacks. I am glad that most comments are positive and helpful, which have help me a lot to write my final evaluation.
            I think I have done a lot of things in this last week of FMP, and I am happy that everything has come to the end at last. But these 6 weeks have prepare me for the BA course of product design. 

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